
React JS

Enable Intellisense for React component in VS code Run below command: npm i @types/react --save-dev How to write the scripts in package.json file NPM is package manager used to install delete and update JavaScript packages on your machine. NPX is package executor and it is used to execute JavaScript packages directly without installing it. To build scripts in package.json file use scripts sections, "scripts" : {     "build" : "parcel build index.html" ,     "start" : "parcel index.html"   }

Installing STS 4 on Ubuntu OS

Example 1: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock Example 2: Server: ERROR: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket sudo newgroup docker sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock sudo usermod -aG docker ${ USER } Example 3: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied sudo setfacl --modify user: < user name or ID > :rw /var/run/docker.sock Example 4: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: newgrp docker

Angular Tips

  export NODE_OPTIONS =--openssl-legacy-provider

Docker: Volume

Docker commands: docker ps: To show all the running containers in docker docker build <path> -t <image_name>: It creates the image from the Dockerfile in the current folder. docker run -it <image_name or image id>: It start the container     Volume is the storage outside the container. It is used to share the data among different containers at runtime. Docker Volume commands docker volume list docker volume create <volume_name> All the volumes are stored at /var/lib/docker/volumes/_data

Linux commands

 Linux commands To rename the file                    mv <source file> <target file name>

How to connect Ubuntu Linux From Windows 10 using PuTTY & WinSCP

 Title:    Accessing the Linux Machine installed in Virtual Box through WinSCP or Putty, follow below steps In Virtual Box, Open settings configuration Open Network tab Select the "Bridge Adapter" Start the Linux/Ubuntu Machine Install ssh using "Sudo apt install ssh" Check the IP address of your machine using "ifconfig" Copy Inet address  Open WinSCP in your host machine and use the same IP address Use your Linux machine credential to connect to the Linux machine You can connect to putty using the same process. Thank you. Happy coding :) Regards, Kiran.

WebLogic Application Deployment & Shared Library

In an enterprise application deployment scenario, there are many cases where some libraries are used/referenced by multiple applications. It would indeed be a bad design to include such common libraries with every application deployed on the WebLogic server. Not only does it prevent redundancy of resources on the server, it also consumes valuable space & deployment time - especially when the libraries are huge. WebLogic server offers the shared library concept using which EARs, JARs, EJBs and WARs can be shared across applications in a WebLogic domain. Let us now see how to package and deploy a shared library in WebLogic server; Step 1: Create a folder structure as shown below Step 2: Copy all the libraries (in this case JAR files) that you would want to share across applications to the lib folder under WEB_INF Step 3: Create a file under META_INF folder by name "MANIFEST.MF" Step 4: Contents of the MANIFEST.MF file are shown below Manifest-Version: 1....