
Showing posts from December, 2014

How to check the logs generated by MAF application

Hi Friends, How to check the logs generated by the MAF application In MAF application, if you deploy the app on emulator and would like to see the logs generated by your application. Use below steps:   1)       Add logger in your code      Logger.getLogger(Utility.APP_LOGNAME).logp(Level.INFO, this.getClass().getName(), "Kiran","button has been pressed"); 2)       Or add System.println.out(“”); statement. 3)       Change the level of logging in 4)       Deploy app in debug mode. How to view the logs: To view the logs you can use the utility available in sdk Sdk path: /sdk/tools/ddms Run the ddms utility to see the logs.

Oracle WebCenter Content : Admin Applets issue

This information will be useful for all those who has started to understand about UCM now it is known as Oracle WebCenter Content. I am using Oracle WebCenter Content 11g ( Issue: First time Admin applets will not run properly in your environment. It will ask to update the JRE on your machine and if you will update the JRE 1.8 update 25 then also admin applets will not run properly. You will get below error probably, Solution: you can try the following workaround for this issue: Navigate to the <JRE_install_location>\lib\security Open the java.policy file for editing In the list of permissions, add the following line:   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.timezone", "write";  permission; Save and exit the file Restart the windows. Verify that you're now able to open the Admin applets. Hope this info is useful to all.